A couple from Pontefract called Pontefract roofers DPR to come and asses some damage to their roof and carry out some extensive repairs.

Most of the damage was the result of some poor workmanship and earlier repairs carried out by a previous roofing contractor – which had not lasted very long and in some cases was failing and allowing water into the property.

Upon inspection, DPR’s Pontefract roofers found that the lead slate around the soil stack was incorrectly fitted which meant the roof was not water tight in this area.

The inspection also found that the ridge tiles to the house and adjoining garage were in good condition but were loose and poorly bedded and pointed. The pointing to the chimney stack are was also deteriorating very quickly.

The garage roof was the worst affected area however. It was found to be suffering from poor quality repairs, rotting underfelt and fascia boards along with birds’ nests in the eaves.

After seeing the comprehensive written survey report and photographs, homeowners Mr and Mrs Berry instructed DPR to carry out the roof repairs.

The repairs were carried out to the highest standard and roofing ventilation was implemented to avoid condensation caused by the now banned Monarfol reinforced plastic underfelt (which was also removed).

The home and garage is now completely free of leaks having being completely repaired and when sending their payment for the works, Mr and Mrs Berry kindly wrote: ‘Thank you for the time and effort you put into the repairs.’